Thursday, September 3, 2020

Leadership Qualities at Tesco free essay sample

Every subject matter requires administration and the board abilities. Tesco plans to build up the authority characteristics of its kin all through the association, from chairmen and client aides to the top managerial staff. It receives a comparable way to deal with authority improvement for staff at all levels. The point of this article is to show how a medium measured Tesco’s authority system is crucial to building up the characteristics of administration required at each level in the business and how the different initiative styles can profit the association. Authority exists in a hierarchical level, however in the more extensive Supply Chain setting. Henceforth the last chapter’s point is to find how a solitary association can transform into a Supply Chain Leader among the other chain individuals. 2. Characterizing Leadership is a basic determinant of hierarchical viability; along these lines it isn't astonishing that initiative keeps on being the subject of serious scholastic exploration and contention. We will compose a custom paper test on Authority Qualities at Tesco or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Some portion of the explanation it has gotten so significant as of late is that the business world has become increasingly serious and progressively unstable. Significant changes are increasingly more important to endure and contend successfully in this new condition. More change consistently requests more authority. Ralph Stogdill (1950) characterized authority as an affecting procedure focused on objective accomplishment. His definition has three significant parts. To begin with, it characterizes administration as a relational procedure in which one individual looks to shape and direct the conduct of others. Second, it sets initiative in a social setting, in which different individuals from the gathering to be impacted are subordinates or supporters. Third, it recognizes a basis for successful initiative regarding objective accomplishment, which is one down to earth goal of administration hypothesis and examination. 3. The executives versus Leadership and the executives are connected, however they are not the equivalent; both are two particular and integral frameworks of activity. Each has its own capacity and trademark exercises. Both are important for achievement in an inexorably perplexing and unpredictable business condition. Kotter (1990) contended that administration is not quite the same as initiative. Administration is worried about the improvement of vision and systems, the arrangement of pertinent individuals behind those methodologies and the strengthening of people to cause the vision to occur, regardless of hindrances. This stands interestingly with the board, which includes keeping the current framework working through arranging, planning, sorting out, staffing, controlling, and critical thinking. As per Griffin (2008) associations need both administration and authority in the event that they are to be successful. Initiative is important to make change, and the executives is important to accomplish precise outcomes. The executives related to authority can create deliberate change, and administration related to the board can keep the association appropriately lined up with its condition. 4. Tesco’s Leadership Framework Tesco searches for administrators who are sure, sure and veritable, with the ability to move and empower their groups. A key piece of Tesco’s program for building pioneers is empowering self-survey and reflection. This permits staff to survey their qualities and discover methods of exhibiting the attributes that are indispensable to the drawn out advancement of the business. Business Case Studies LLP, 2013) Tesco’s administration system sets out the aptitudes and capabilities as well as the individual attributes and practices it expects of its pioneers: 4. 1 Delegation Tesco’s procedure of overseeing begins with the objective to be accomplished. An administrator needs settle on the fitting methodology for arriving at that target, and afterward he needs t o convey this methodology obviously to their group and to allot assignments to each colleague. Assignment portion and designation of duty is a piece of the administration work. 4. Strengthening The style of administration can differ contingent upon the assignment. A few chiefs permit groups to assume responsibility for their own dynamic for some undertakings. Group pioneers will set the goals, yet enable colleagues to choose how these targets are accomplished. This has a few favorable circumstances; it assists with rousing people in the group and it draws on the aptitude of the individuals from the group. 4. 3 Productivity One of the key difficulties of a Tesco pastry kitchen manager’s work is to guarantee his group creates the correct items to satisfy need at key occasions. His typical administration approach is to permit the group to assume liability for accomplishing the ideal outcome. Along these lines, the group becomes tied up with the movement, yet in addition grows new aptitudes. For instance, when the bread kitchen extended its item run and the group expected to guarantee that all the items would be on the racks by 8. 00 am, the director instead of implement an answer, he went to the group for thoughts. The group tackled the issue by consenting to part break times with the goal that efficiency could be kept up. The manager’s approach delivered a positive result and expanded group inspiration. 5. Authority Styles Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1973) classified diverse initiative styles. They recommended that administration styles could be clarified on a scale running from â€Å"autocratic† through â€Å"democratic† to â€Å"laissez-faire†. The absolutist or dictator style is described by a â€Å"I tell† reasoning. Despotic pioneers guide their staff. This methodology can give a business clear heading, yet it might likewise lead supervisors to underestimate or disregard contribution from their groups. In any case, a despotic methodology is proper in certain circumstances, for example, when the business faces an emergency or when a critical issue emerges that requires a prompt reaction. There are some administration moves toward that sit among totalitarian and law based. These styles permit group support to a limited extent at the same time, the administrator claims all authority to settle on a ultimate choice. (Tannenbaum amp; Schmidt, 1973) Managers receiving a â€Å"I sell† reasoning will attempt to convince their groups to acknowledge their perspective, while chiefs utilizing a â€Å"I consult† approach will look for the assessments of subordinates before taking a choice. This is drawing nearer to a fair style of the executives. A senior supervisor of a medium measured Tesco is for the most part accountable for a group of around 20 departmental chiefs, who between them are answerable for very nearly 300 individuals. The store manager’s administration style is for the most part to permit his chiefs to settle on most operational choices. Be that as it may, if a mishap happens in the store, he may take control to guarantee a brief and co-ordinated reaction. (Business Case Studies LLP, 2013) The best supervisors receive administration styles fitting to the circumstance. The store manager’s alluded authority style is to adopt a law based strategy. He counsels broadly as he feels that staff reacts better to this methodology. This expands group inspiration and energizes innovativeness. A few mix-ups might be made, however they are utilized as a learning experience. Nonetheless, at some point business-basic issues can emerge and it is significan t that he reacts to these in the most fitting manner. In such circumstances, he may need to adjust his initiative approach and apply greater power. Free enterprise is at the opposite finish of the range from despotic. A free enterprise supervisor adopts a â€Å"hands-off† strategy and trusts groups to take suitable choices or activities with expansive concurred limits (Huczynski amp; Buchanan, 2007). For instance, the Tesco head supervisor may leave an accomplished departmental director to build up a financial plan. This could be on the grounds that he believes that the chief has a decent information on the necessities of the office and of the business. 6. Variables Influencing Leadership Style People at each degree of duty in Tesco, from executives and client collaborators to chiefs, face various kinds of choices. Each accompanies its own obligations and timescales. These will impact the most fitting authority style for a specific bit of work or for a given venture. Tesco chiefs have obligations regarding â€Å"front of house† (client confronting) staff just as â€Å"behind the scenes† workers, for example, office staff. Prior to settling on a choice, the supervisor will think about the errand close by, the individuals in question and the individuals who will be influenced. Different inside and outside components may likewise influence the decision of initiative style utilized. Inside elements incorporate the degrees of ability that workers have. Huge groups may have individuals with changing degrees of aptitude. This may require the director to embrace an increasingly mandate style, giving clear correspondence with the goal that everybody recognizes what to do to accomplish objectives and undertakings. Then again, group pioneers may adopt a progressively consultative strategy with different supervisors of equivalent remaining so as to get their co-activity for an undertaking. Outer variables may emerge when managing clients. For instance, an administrator may need to utilize an influential style to persuade a client to acknowledge a swap item for a thing that is incidentally unavailable. 7. Gracefully Chain Leadership (SCL) Administration is additionally found in the full scale setting of between authoritative pioneer supporter connections in the flexibly chain condition. Initiative is important to facilitate the endeavors of different firms in a flexibly chain all together for the gracefully chain to work adequately. (Clifford, 2007) The presence of gracefully chain pioneers appears to be evident, however flexibly chain execution requires the collaboration of numerous part associations and the coordination of complex procedures over all part

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ecommerce Essay Thesis Example For Students

Web based business Essay Thesis Web By: JB Communications Technology: Global Information Infrastructure jkylewalke Introduction We are amidst a worldwide data insurgency driven by the assembly and expansion of data and correspondence innovations. The media communications part is changing at twist speed, driven by mechanical development that outcomes in new gear and benefits, and furthermore by new participants and coalitions between organizations with involvement with a wide scope of data ventures from broadcast communications to broadcasting to PC equipment and programming to distributing. Three significant patterns are driving these changes: the quick presentation of new advances and administrations; the rebuilding of the media communications division; and globalization of economies and of correspondences. Together these advancements are changing the universe of broadcast communications, yet the manners in which individuals work, learn, and collaborate. The Death of Distance The demise of separation as a determin ant of the expense of correspondences will likely be the absolute most significant monetary power molding society in the primary portion of the following century. The demise of separation could have significant ramifications for the two people and associations. The capacity to work whenever, anyplace permits street warriors to work without workplaces on planes, in lodgings, and at customer locales, and empowers data laborers to work from home from their homes instead of making a trip to work. This adaptability can be two-edged for people, who can work any place they pick yet may never get away from the virtual working environment. Associations may lessen their overhead expenses and improve their efficiency, however they should likewise figure out how to deal with their decentralized work power. One significant mechanical pattern is the augmentation of data superhighways as broadband systems; another is the expanding omnipresence of correspondences utilizing remote advances (that wil l, in any case, at first give access to spurts as opposed to surges of data). Individual correspondences systems utilizing microcellular innovation will permit individuals in urban zones not exclusively to chat on pocket-sized phones, yet to transmit and get information utilizing remote modems. In country and creating regions, these administrations might be accessible from low earth-circling (LEO) satellite frameworks. On a worldwide level, the passing of separation has significant ramifications for the globalization of enterprises and national economies. Provincial districts in Europe and North America may draw organizations with their lovely condition and lower work costs; be that as it may, they are done contending just with urban communities in their own nations. Organizations may employ data laborers in creating nations where work is far less expensive, for information passage and word preparing, yet for composing PC programs. On the other hand, creating nations presently wind up contending in worldwide markets, where quality and appropriateness of items might be as significant as cost. Worldwide systems administration: Changing the topography of business Telecommunications arranges now interface makers with gathering plants, architects with production lines, programming engineers with equipment merchants, providers with retailers, retailers with clients. Never again is it important to have all the ability in house. Programming engineers in Silicon Valley whine that they are laid off while contractual workers transmit code from Russia and India. Independent planners would now be able to send attire designs straightforwardly to a mechanized piece of clothing industrial facility. Clients can arrange anything from carrier passes to winter attire on the web and do their own banking and bill paying electronically. These patterns open doors for inventive business visionaries around the globe. For purchasers, they offer increasingly decision and lower costs on t he grounds that there is no overhead expense for deals agents and request takers. However these progressions act dangers to conventional organizations like well as to representatives. Progressively, organizations that need to contend on cost should work more intelligent to decrease expenses and react to showcase changes, while others should reconsider how to increase the value of draw in clients. Significant levels of client assistance and individualized consideration are probably going to turn out to be increasingly significant. As Wells Fargo found, a bank that offers help from a human twenty-four hours every day notwithstanding on the web electronic banking can pull in new clients. What's more, PC sellers that offer free and simple to-arrive at client care might have the option to charge a premium, or if nothing else not lose clients to product discounters. The greater part the PCs in U.S. workplaces are connected to neighborhood (LANs). Progressively, organizations are likewise connecting into the Internet to arrive at partners in different associations, particular databases, and .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .postImageUrl , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:hover , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:visited , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:active { border:0!important; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:active , .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6bc23cfe2673ea e8fcdb42c2dab792c4 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6bc23cfe2673eae8fcdb42c2dab792c4:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Rough draft Essay

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Negative outcomes of French Revolution Essay

Absolute breakdown of the economy, funds, and capital. Hyperinflation crushed the economy, and nation needed to default on commitments and obligation. Enhancements occurred after Napoleon’s changes and by far reaching seizure of riches from Europe (for instance by approaching Austria to pay for a war reparations). Turmoil and horde savagery, counter-transformation, and common war made demise many thousands residents. Whole districts were eliminated by consume land strategies, and urban areas like Lyon wrecked. It was the greatest flare-up of viciousness in Europe between 30Y War and WWI. The extraordinary measures during the emergency brought an enactment that finished majority rule government and made first present day extremist framework under Terror. Constitution was suspended inconclusively, and state actualized across the board legal killings of its faultfinders and the rivals. Scholarly capability of the state was destroyed at the guillotine or by exile. One point, practically whole French foundation was pursued for injustice in May/June 1794. Upset was adversely taken by rest of Europe, which was hauled for a long time into alliance wars with France. <p

Hospitality and Hotel Management

Questions: Assignment 1:1.Identify the different internet based life strategies used by the inns we visited in week 2. 2.What are the distinctive market sections they are speaking with by means of web based life? 3.How do they connect with their clients by means of web based life? 4.How do they handle both positive and negative criticism via web-based networking media? 5.If they are a piece of a bigger chain, how does what they do fit in with the brand all in all? Assignment 2:1.How are sure audits dealt with? 2.How are negative surveys dealt with? 3.Identify a contender property and contrast with any of The Library Hotel Collection Do they handle their TripAdvisor audits comparatively or would they say they are extraordinary? Answers: Assignment 1: 1. Different online networking techniques used by the lodgings Casablanca Hotel NYC using Gooogle+, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and Instagram to interface with clients for the correspondence and to impact clients and to connect with them by transferring their administrations, photographs, and get input from clients ( Twofold tree by Hilton Chelsea is additionally utilizing web based life like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for their social correspondence with clients ( 2. Diverse market sections Casablanca Hotel and Double tree utilizing internet based life for focusing on extravagance clients, corporate clients and business explorers as their client (Erdomu, rem and Mesut p-1356). As both the lodgings are offering extravagant stay with extravagance, their fundamental fragment is an extravagance client. 3. Commitment with their clients by means of online networking Both the inns are attempting to connect with their clients through internet based life by offering their on-season and slow time of year offer to their clients and different photographs and update on their lodgings. They keep their records refreshed with their contributions and limits for their standard and new clients also (Erdomu, rem and Mesut p-1356). 4. Taking care of both positive and negative input Casablanca Hotel NYC and Double tree by Hilton manages many client consistently. Limit of clients give positive criticism for the administrations they give, and not many gives negative inputs moreover. Positive input persuades inn to convey more to the clients, and they get positive criticism as inspiration. Negative input assists with improving their administrations in future. They acknowledge the two inputs emphatically and convey best out of that. 5. Do they fit to mark in huge chain Casablanca and Double tree lodgings are working in the extremely restricted zone around New York goal. Be that as it may, in the event that they become a piece of a bigger chain, they can keep up the brand name with their administrations and remain in lodgings. In any case, at first, they may confront some issue since they don't have the experience of various countries and the taste and inclinations for the new goal. Errand 2: 1. Taking care of positive criticism The four New York library inn assortment properties on Tripadvisor are the Library Hotel at Brayant Park, Casablanca Hotel Timesquare, Hotel Giraffe Maddison square and Hotel Elysee at Central Park. They handle their positive input as praise and attempt to actualize the positive criticism for development. These four inn manages various kinds of visitor like business explorers, families, recently wedded couple and irregular voyagers (Torres, et al., p - 225) They concentrate over the whole client and offer all their positive criticism by all the four inns to actualize the positive input in order to give progressively agreeable remain to the standard and new clients. 2. Dealing with negative input The library inn assortment gets negative input moreover. For instance during 2003-04 the contrast between two inns among this four were on various level; inn Giraffe was at third in rank by tripadvisor and one was at 56th. The library lodging assortment called all the senior supervisors, overseeing executives and pioneer of inns and wanted to think about all the negative remark for the improvement (Torres, et al., p-225). The four lodgings oversaw negative criticism by applying the positive remarks of one inn for the improvement of another inn. They recorded all the enchantment and unique minutes that offered fulfillment to visitors and attempted to execute that in all the lodgings so all the four properties of library assortment can keep up same standard to dodge negative input. They actualized positive remarks of Hotel Giraffe in Hotel Elysee for the improvement and acquired all the organization same level. These four library assortment properties offer best support regarding consu mer loyalty among every single other Hotel in NewYork city. 3. Rivalry from lodging Gresham Palace Lodging Giraffe in Maddison Square is one of the properties of the inn library assortment and having high client notoriety on their framework and administrations. Inn Giraffe is third in rank out of 331 lodgings in NewYork city and getting rivalry from Hotel Gresham Palace, which is second in rank. Gresham Palace is offering top pleasantries and better area. Lodging Gresham Palace is neo exemplary royal residence arranged in Hungary. Both the inns are in neck to neck rivalry serving the privilege to business voyagers and corporate clients. Following is the examination between the administrations they are advertising. Inn Giraffe Four season inn Gresham Palace Dream of adoration sentiment bundle Business focus Complimentary mainland breakfast Cash trade office Wine and cheddar gathering Age-fitting childrens pleasantries Remain longer spare more offers Wellness offices and spa Fitness center passes Early morning espresso administration in the entryway Table 1: administration examination (Sources: made by Author) 4. Contenders input dealing with Four Season Hotel Gresham Palace additionally utilizes online life like TripAdvisor to get the survey from the clients. In the inn business, pretty much every inn follows same method to deal with the audit from their clients (Ruizalba et al. p-11). Four seasons lodging Gresham Palace likewise accepts positive criticism as a commendation to invite clients once more. What's more, negative input is a degree for advancement to beat the deficiency of inn notoriety. The Library Hotel assortment gives best client criticism via mailing them or by making a require the agreeable remain next time. Inn administration is consistently client based, and they treat them as extreme delegate ( References Doubletree By Hilton - Find Hotel N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. Erdomu, rem Eren, and Mesut Cicek. The effect of web based life advertising on brand loyalty.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences58 (2012): 1353-1360. Ruizalba, Jos L., et al. Interior market direction: An exact research in lodging sector.International Journal of Hospitality Management38 (2014): 11-19. The Casablanca Hotel Times Square - OFFICIAL SITE - Best Luxury Boutique Hotel New N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. Torres, Edwin N., et al. The Use of Consumer-Generated Feedback in the Hotel Industry: Current Practices and Their Effects on Quality.International Journal of Hospitality Tourism Administration16.3 (2015): 224-250. Tripadvisor: Read Reviews, Compare Prices N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management

Question: Talk about the Medical Surgical Nursing for Assessment and Management. Answer: Presentation: Clinical Surgical nursing is frequently viewed as one of the biggest nursing claim to fame of the country who is doled out an assortment of obligations where they can rehearse their aptitudes to make them master to deal with different works. They are frequently considered as ace organizers since they need to shuffle up a great deal of errands from different spaces so as to finish the assignments gave to them. In this way so as to play out the expansive parts of various sorts of obligations, they should be even tempered multi-taskers who need to display assortments of their expertise in their training to think about the patients (Lewis et al., 2015). The accompanying paper will for the most part depict the different credits that should be controlled by a person in the clinical careful foundation with the goal that they may get fruitful and can elevate themselves to exceptional wards in the divisions. The paper will likewise depict how they need to keep up the ANMC rules to maintain a strategic distance from any undesirable conditions to emerge and can rehearse their ability uninterruptedly. A clinical medical attendant needs to shuffle with countless patients simultaneously by going to their necessities and prerequisites and in this way help them with the needful. They must be liable for giving the right medicine following the rights that must be kept up while controlling the prescription. They are additionally given the dependably to instruct the families about the confusion or the ailment that their family is encountering (LeMone et al., 2015). They additionally need to show the carers the strategies and the techniques for caring their kin. They likewise need to accomplish a colossal information about the different issue that the residents confront and furthermore need to persistently build up their expertise as per the advanced investigates that is being led. In addition, taking care of this tremendous obligation they additionally must be very much cleaned in their relational abilities with each patient so they can keep up bonds with their patient which thusly will m ake their work simple as the patients will react well to the treatment. They are likewise given the duty of releasing patients with upkeep of legitimate documentation, right charging techniques and furthermore others. Conceding new patients alongside the starter strategies and wellbeing check is additionally the obligation allocated to clinical careful medical caretakers (Ignatavicius Workman, 2015). Thusly, it is seen that not just the whole mindful duty of the patient is on their shoulders yet in addition countless works from different spaces are set on them. Subsequently, the attendant needed to have an immense number of characteristics that should be available to be a fruitful medical caretaker. The attendant needs to build up a significant level of basic reasoning abilities that won't just assistance him to deal with each errand productively while mindful and treating a patient however will likewise assist him with coming out from any undesirable, legitimate and furthermore moral circumstances adequately. This generally assists with creating trust in the medical caretaker and fabricate a regard that drives her to perform different testing undertakings and subsequently be a specialist in persistent taking care of and furthermore create the board abilities and thoughts (Zambas et al., 2016). Another quality that the clinical careful attendants need to have is the huge information on different kinds of illnesses and insights concerning treating such patients adequately. Furthermore, having to deal with the prescription organization models for every one of the patients, they additionally must be specific about the treatment plan that they need to attempt for the patients relying on the patients condition (Winsett et al., 2016). The medical attendants on the other field like ICU or cardiovascular division of orthopedic or genealogical office need information a specific way in particular. In this way, in the event of clinical careful nursing, an all over thought regarding the patients condition must be assessed when the medical attendant can comprehend and recognize different side effects of various illnesses and make a move as needs be (Lewis et al., 2016). Therefore immense information about infection states and the body frameworks must be plainly known by them. The executives abilities are likewise significant for the attendants of this elective since they additionally need to oversee plans for their assignments and experience broad cooperation to partition their undertakings successfully. They additionally need to oversee documentation for every single patient that they are thinking about, keep up their protection and privacy, performing assignments by attempted moral contemplations, create correspondence among partners, patients and their relatives (Centrella-Nigro et al., 2016). In this way, they need to create uncommon administration aptitudes among themselves so they can perform various tasks and at the equivalent to time be effective enough to direct the entirety of their obligations. They need to attempt a gigantic measure of obligations of works that are constrained to a specific field as well as include different areas, they frequently build up an extraordinary aptitude of keeping themselves totally relaxed under a few anxieties and weights. This isn't the situation for other claim to fame medical attendants since they need to focus on the specific patient that they are taking care of and doesn't need to shuffle both the regulatory and the consideration cooperates. The clinical careful medical attendants keep up an exceptional degree of coordination among themselves just as with the patients from the time they are admitted to the emergency clinics till the hour of their release including the issues of post release contemplations like transportations just as their home human services (Kelly, 2016). Subsequently the medical attendants must be truly, inwardly, mentally and clinically dynamic for offering most extreme assistance to the power and the patients for da y in and day out Nursing and Midwifery Board of councilsof Australia has for some time been the best ally for such medical attendants who had adequately set up different rules. These ought to be trailed by the medical caretakers for the treatment of the patients care. They will carry the best outcomes to the association and furthermore will keep the attendant from getting occupied with any lawful and moral issues. Beginning from setting their gauges to the significance of proof based nursing practice have been talked about. They have likewise set the calling legitimate viewpoints that should be followed to keep them from lawful commitments (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2010). Following the areas referenced in NMBA like the significance of basic intuition, arrangement of coordination and care, community and helpful works on, keeping up a moral system and others ought to be kept up by the clinical careful nursing to play out their exercises. Thusly from the above paper, it very well may be expressed that clinical careful nursing is an exceptional region of medical caretakers. Here, countless aptitudes like basic reasoning capacity, uncommon information about sickness of different sorts, effective administration abilities, serene mental strength, and coordinative methodology for each assignment following the NMBA rules should be shown. Regularly these aptitudes are totally different structure the other master nurture and require huge energy and ability to perform them. References: Centrella-Nigro, A. M., Blackwell, B., Coughlin, A., Voorhees, K. A. (2016). The Effect of Human Patient Simulators on Knowledge and Self-Competence in Graduating Prelicensure Nursing Students.Nursing Education Perspectives,37(6), 337-339. Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L. (2015).Medical-careful nursing: Patient-focused synergistic consideration. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kelly, K. M. (2016).The Effect of Human Patient Simulation on Medical-Surgical Nurses Self-Efficacy in Cardiac Emergency Management(Doctoral exposition). LeMone, P., Burke, K., Dwyer, T., Levett-Jones, T., Moxham, L., Reid-Searl, K. (2015).Medical-careful nursing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Lewis, S. L., Bucher, L., Heitkemper, M. M., Harding, M. M., Kwong, J., Roberts, D. (2016).Medical-careful nursing: appraisal and the board of clinical issues, single volume. Elsevier Health Sciences. Lewis, S. L., Maltas, J., Dirksen, S. R., Bucher, L. (2015).Study guide for clinical careful nursing: Assessment and the executives of clinical issues. Elsevier Health Sciences. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2017). National competency guidelines for the enrolled nurture. [online] Available at: https://record://C:/Users/user00/Downloads/1195501_1033619736_Nursing-and-Midwifery-Board - %20(1).PDF [Accessed 15 Feb. 2017]. Winsett, R. P., Rottet, K., Schmitt, A., Wathen, E., Wilson, D., Group, M. N. C. C. (2016). Clinical careful medical caretakers portray missed nursing care tasksEvaluating our work environment.Applied Nursing Research,32, 128-133. Zambas, S. I., Smythe, E. A., Koziol-Mclain, J. (2016). The outcomes of utilizing progressed physical appraisal aptitudes in clinical and careful nursing: A hermeneutic down to business study.International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being,11.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Big Questions, Big Ideas @ SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Big Questions, Big Ideas @ SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Were excited to bring to you the first of our new series, Big Questions, Big Ideas @ SIPA. Take a peek at some of the most pressing global topics that are being covered here by policymakers, thought leaders, experts, and SIPA faculty. These are ideas you will encounter as a student and down the road as an alum. Big Questions, Big Ideas: Frugal Innovation with Navi Radjou Dont forget our general deadline for SIPA fellowship aid consideration is coming up fast on January 5, 2018. Our final deadline for admissions decisions is February 5, 2018. Weve wrapped up our recruitment travel but will continue to host  virtual and in-person information sessions  until the holiday break. Make sure to register for a  class visit  while you still have time the last day of class is December 11th. Lastly, check out our new series that covers the different components of the application  Whats in an App   on the admissions blog. Good luck on your application!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Crisis in the Village - Free Essay Example

Crisis in the Village Chapter One: Churches~ A Crisis of Mission A Critique Presented to Dr. Joseph L. Jones Johnson C. Smith University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for LS 235 By Malcolm-Ryan Brown June 11th, 2010 Robert M. Franklin in his adoring and avid book Crisis in the Village presents in first-person advice and constructive criticism as he identifies issues within the African-American church. Black churches face a mission crisis as they struggle to serve their upwardly mobile and/or established middle class paying customers alongside the poorest of the poor. Dr. Franklin wrote this controversial book with great scholarship as a means to awakening the state of Black American; however the question of the missions of the black church have been discussed, debated, and denied by theologians for years. Summary Robert M. Franklin states that the purpose of his book is not simply to state facts, but to raise an urgent set of questions whose answers will put our feet in motion to solve the crisis. In chapter two â€Å"A Crisis of Mission† Franklin sets the stage for his readers for what the crisis is in the church. The Reverend Henry Lyons became the president of the largest denomination in the Untied States of America. Although the disgrace Lyons served a modest-sized congregation rather than a mega church, his drive for personal wealth accumulation as president of the National Baptist Convention symbolized a new threat to the integrity of black clergy culture. A serious student of any discipline would appreciate Dr. Franklin’s keen scholarship in his writings. Case in point is when Franklin shares with his readers what everyone should know about black churches. According to Franklin there are at least fifteen facts that we should know about the black church which are too exhausted to write in a paper of this format. Franklin in a brief synopsis of the aforementioned fifteen facts basically states that the black church traditionally has been the only real institution in the black neighborhood. The black church grew primarily out of the Africans experience on American soil. The early church for most blacks was nothing more than a place where one had an opportunity to express their emotions. The black church was the creation of a black people whose daily existence was an encounter with the overwhelming and brutalizing reality of white power. Therefore, the black church became home base for civil disobedience and revolution that has left an indelible impact on the pages of American history. Moving from the origins of the black church Franklin begins to discuss some of what he sees as opposition to the black church to what he calls the prosperity movement. Biblical scholar Michael Joseph Brown observes, â€Å"We live in a society that evaluates success on the basis of numbers. Many denominations and congregations have adopted a corporate mindset. I liken it to fast food industry where the numbers have adopted a corporate mindset. I liken it to the fast food industry where the number of patrons served is the measure of success. In more cynical moments, I expect to be driving down the street one day and pass a church sign that reads: ‘Over 2,000 Members Served. Congregation sizes, income, number of services are possible by-products of ministerial excellence. They do not constitute excellence in themselves. † After the discussion of the prosperity gospel movement Franklin continues with a heading Calling and Recommissioning Jesse. Older black pastors and pioneers of the black church should not be so critical on young clergyman. Young black preachers make mistakes and many of them need a Jesse Jackson to navigate them through the misery of ministry. One of the more interesting topics in chapter two is Resolving Gender Issues. Franklin eloquently says that it would be wonderful if black churches would use these years of a new century to embrace the presence of women in ministry. Churches that are not prepared to leap from status quo of nonordination to the ideal of equal opportunity and rights should consider a number of developmental, incremental steps toward the end of fulfilling God’s desire for God’s â€Å"sons and daughters to prophesy. † Women must have discovered hearing aids. More of them have heard and answered the call of God to preach. Women have done great things in the church. Few black men attend church, so women must take their places and because women are so committed to getting the job done, black men quickly become jealous and accuse them not only of being committed to ministry, but also the senior minister. Assessment Dr. Franklin has tried to focus a spotlight on a few spicy morsels in an effort stimulate the black church to search o her own soul for other disease germs. By pinpointing the problems, the black church may see her possibilities. By overcoming the last pains of persecution, the black church may grow her full potential. By revealing the opposition and obstacles, the black church may seize the opportunity of becoming a force to be reckoned with in our society. America was born with a grotesque, cancerous disease called slavery. This disease lingers to this day in many forms and subtle variations. The plantation mentality is still with us. Sometimes it masquerades as democracy and free enterprise, but the effect is the same on the spirits of the poor and oppressed. When black men moved indoors to work in industry and business, they found themselves imprisoned behind the walls of institutional racism. Nothing really had changed. Those who headed the system went to church. They were self-appointed Christians worshipping in their white church, serving the best interest in the name of the white God. White Americans generally seem to think of black people as inherently happy, basketball bouncing boys, dumb, lazy, and basically content with their lot in life Many whites are convinced that black people, commonly referred to as â€Å"they† would never have become concerned about civil rights in the first place had the communists not stirred them up. Black clergyman who became involved in the cause are considered by many whites and other blacks to be agitators who have left their calling to meddle in matters clearly outside the will of God. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had all of the college degrees, including a Ph. D, but he kept the same kind of style and culture orientations that his father and grandfather had a clergyman. Dr. King’s power did not arise from his education in white schools, but despite his education, because he stood solidly in the tradition of his â€Å"black fathers,† holding on to the best of our African heritage, culling the best of white heritage, and fusing them to develop what we know as the black pulpit. We have understood the power struggle that went on in the black church. Whoever was head of the church in the black community was head of its powerful social institution. Out of this situation came much hypocrisy, much fighting for power, and perhaps the same issues and not crisis. James Baldwin sums it up when, referring to his boyhood preaching, he says: Being in the pulpit was like being in theatre. I was behind the scenes and knew how the illusion was worked. I knew the other ministers and knew the quality of their lives. And I don’t mean to suggest by this the â€Å"Elmer Gantry† sort of hypocrisy concerning sensuality; it was a deeper, deadlier, and more subtle hypocrisy then, that and a little honest sensuality, or a lot, would have been like water in an extremely bitter desert. I knew how to work on a congregation until the last dime was surrendered- it was not very hard to do- and I knew where the money for â€Å"the Lord’s work† went. I knew, though I did not wish to know it, that I had no respect for the people with whom I worked. James Baldwin growing up in the church most of his life, his reaction was very much the same, because he knew the hypocrisy, he knew the games that were played, he knew that for a great number of black people the church was just an escape from reality and that the preacher knew this and played on their fears and superstitions. When he accepted Jesus, and gave him his life at that moment, Jesus took up residence in him. For the first time Baldwin had a sense of purpose, he had a sense that he belonged to God of heaven and earth, he sensed that God’s Word was and is true. Jesus Christ was now in him and his sins were forgiven, not the sins that he committed as a black man, but the sin that was his as a human being, to be born in the human race without the life of God. Baldwin didn’t negate His blackness in order to be a Christian, but rather, he was committed to Jesus Christ. Knowing who he was, what he was, and what his position was because of Jesus Christ changes his reason for being involved in the black revolution. Because of his relationship with Jesus Christ, he was not involved in the black revolution simply because he wanted to replace an existing system. He was involved in it because there are areas in the system that are diametrically opposed to the kingdom of God, and that which is opposed to the kingdom of God, he must oppose as God’s son. So he knows who he is, he is a black man in whom Jesus Christ was living. A black man with his two feet planted on earth that had the privilege of having the God of heaven and earth living in him. A black man committed to the black revolution, not to negate the existing system, but because the black man’s cause is a just cause, based upon the principles of the Kingdom of God. He was not interested in overthrowing white society any more than he was interested in allowing white society to overthrow black society. He was interested in overthrowing injustice. He was interested in dealing with inequality. He was interested in settling wrongs, right because those are the principles of the kingdom of God. To solve the crisis in the church we must all be involved in the struggle for justice, whether it concerns a white man or a black man. If a black man’s rights are being denied, we must be committed to his fight because it is a matter of the kingdom of God. If a white man’s rights are being denied, we must stand against his black brother in order to rectify that wrong because it is a matter of the kingdom of God. The true gospel of Jesus Christ solves the crisis in village. We must be bold, courageous, and concerned about the state of the black church. We must be bold enough to hold our pastors and leadership accountable, boldness that makes it possible for us to look at a black brother in the face and tell him he has no right to beat his wife, no right to drink up his salary, no right to be filled with bitterness and frustration when there is deliverance for him. We must have courage to stand against the tragic traps of tradition that have taken the â€Å"blackness† out of the black church. We must be concerned about the crisis in our village. Jesus Christ said He has come â€Å"to proclaim release to the captives†¦to set a liberty those who are oppressed† ENDNOTES

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Standardized Testing And Its Impact On The Classroom

Microaggressions can be any commonplace comments that are intended or not, to offend another person. However, one might think individuals would be aware if they inherently said something offensive. Microaggressions are even apparent in standardized testing and academia as test writers and teachers can unintentionally degrade students with a seemingly innocent statement. Standardized tests are allegedly supposed to test student’s knowledge of what they have learned or previously known. The tests also reflect the academic progress of the school to determine the quality of education that the school provides. Standardized tests seem to be an unbiased way of determining skill, but the tests do not take into account student’s home lives, as well†¦show more content†¦Instead of a student being scored on what they have written they are compared to two other essays to determine whether they fall closer to a high scoring essay or a low scoring essay. Anchor papers are a requirement since essays cannot be graded with an answer key, but are subjective to each individual grader. Anchor papers represent a well-written response to the essay question posed. However, educators have commented that it is difficult to compare these supposedly perfect papers to a variety of student’s diverse responses. The pressure, of comparing sample essays to individual responses often ends with inconsistently graded essays. In â€Å"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Standardized Testing (HBO)† John Oliver makes light of the flaws in Pearson’s testing corporation. Oliver uses clips to convey these deficiencies. For example, Oliver shows a clip of test graders describing what it is like to grade standardized essays. Graders describe if their supervisors see them awarding too much of a particular score they are asked to see certain scores as higher or lower than they deserve. According to David Puthoff, a grader with Questar, when he was confronted with an essay about the good qualities of a leader in Louisiana one student’s response was Martin Luther King Jr. This response was deemed to be incorrect. The essay employed correct use of AAE and demonstrated accurate rules for this dialect. However, the student did not directly answer the

Monday, May 18, 2020

Judge Harlan s Dissent The Plessy Vs Plessy Case

Part One Judge Harlan’s Dissent is a written response about the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision. In the Plessy vs. Ferguson case, Homer Plessy argued that his decision to break the Louisiana Separate Car Act was denying his rights in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, but the majority decision debunked his arguments. However, Judge Harlan’s Dissent explains his reasoning for disagreeing with the majority. His opinions were likely intended to be heard by all citizens of the United States, but it seems as though he is aiming the disagreement at the people in the majority who is against it in order to prove his point. First, Judge Harlan points out that Plessy is right that the Constitution defends his rights to sit in a car with a†¦show more content†¦Ferguson case prove otherwise. Harlan concludes that these are several of the reasons he does not agree with the court decision. Overall, Harlan stays clear of biases because he includes information about rights for bot h races and does not defend one single side. However, there are potential biases because he did not directly include the court decision or Louisiana Separate Car Act in his dissent. It is also is unclear what Judge Harlan’s background is and what his opinions could have been before the specific case. In this document, it is obvious that the time period was facing a time of segregation in the country. The Louisiana Separate Car Act that is part of the Plessy vs. Ferguson case shows the physical separation between the races. During this time period, it was typical for whites and non-whites to have separate public resources because the Redeemers hoped to undo the Radical Reconstruction progress in African American and non-white rights. In addition, non-whites were disrespected and dehumanized, as shown by Harlan’s mention of the Louisiana Separate Car Act dismissal of the fact that whites could not sit with a non-white group of people. Part Two After the Civil War, the United States entered a period of reinventing America in order to restore the damage of the

Monday, May 11, 2020

Evaluation Of A Home Loan Modification - 1359 Words

A detail a superior home loan modification company will not overlook is to see if you meet the prerequisites for any government backed home loan modification programs. There are numerous plans out there that let homeowners do a mortgage refinance to lower interest rates, even if the loan is upside down. Check into refinancing first because if you qualify for refinance you will not benefit by home loan modification. Modify mortgage loan services work for homeowners with credit issues. If you are not eligible for any refinance programs, free government loan modification is the next crucial step. To do this, you need a home loan modification company. The greatest home loan modification services will prequalify you to make sure that you will get approved if you use them. This is done several ways. You may need to talk with a loan modification attorney or underwriter to make sure you meet the criteria. Under in force strategies of the lender. Next, the company should have a loan modific ation attorney look over your mortgage clause for any variations that can be used to pursue the lender to do a free government loan modification. The company should also speak with your mortgage company and also talk with a case manager to see if you meet the prerequisites for home loan modification. Lastly, the home loan modification company should be certain that your income to debt ratio is in the 3% window for meeting the prerequisites for a home loan modification. If you went through allShow MoreRelatedHigh Cost Mortgages : A New Office Of Housing Counseling1498 Words   |  6 Pagesafter a loan. New provisions are introduced for calculating adjustable rates alongside definitions for points and fees. When customers receive high-cost mortgages, they have to obtain pre-loan counseling given by a certified counselor. The Act also stipulates there are additional Requirements to Existing Residential Mortgages. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Mauna Loa Explodes Essay Example

Essays on The Mauna Loa Explodes Essay The paper "The Mauna Loa Explodes" is an excellent example of an essay on environmental studies. Pangaea, MA: On Tuesday, June 15th, 2015 the Mauna Loa ended its 9 years period of quiescence. This recent eruption began suddenly after a 3 year period of gradually increasing earthquake activities underneath the volcano. When the earthquake reached a maximum frequency of about 6.6 magnitudes, the earthquake took place beneath the southeast flank of the Mauna Loa. A series of repeated EDM and tilt measurements have indicated that the summit area of the volcano began to inflate shortly after the eruption of the summit six years ago in July 2009. The inflation in the volcano has increased substantially to the time of the eruption. The precursor to the eruption, several events were observed including an abrupt increase in the small earthquakes and volcanic tremors in the watch stations near Moku`aweoweo. At 08:45 p.m. on May 16, small earthquakes began at a rate of 2-3 per minute. By 09:30 p.m., the seismic background increased, marking the onset of tremor. Just before 1:00 a.m. on May 17, the tremor amplitude increased to the point that the astronomical telescopes on Mauna Kea, 42 km to the northwest, could not be stabilized because of the constant ground vibration. Military satellites recorded fissure eruption on the lower altitude zones of the rift on June 25, 2011, which then spread over to the vent forming new fountains of lava eruption. A major vent eruption was recorded on December 15, 2012, which then increased in frequency until the ultimate eruption on Tuesday, June 15th, 2015. The National Geological Society issued the initial warning to the communities living within a 100 km buffer to the Mauna Loa to consider moving in order to prevent loss of lives and the government and the Red Cross Society has been helping to move the people to safer regions. The ultimate eruption on Tuesday, June 15th, 2015 covered an estimated area of 2000 square kilometers with lav a and people are advised to keep of this region until the National Geological Society has declared the area safe.

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy Free Essays

Ovarian Cyst during Pregnancy What are ovarian cysts? Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, sac-like structures within an ovary. The term cyst refers to a fluid-filled structure. Therefore, all ovarian cysts contain at least some fluid. We will write a custom essay sample on Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy or any similar topic only for you Order Now What causes ovarian cysts? Ovarian cysts form for numerous reasons. The most common type is a follicular cyst, which results from the growth of a follicle. A follicle is the normal fluid-filled sac that contains an egg. Follicular cysts form when the follicle grows larger than normal during the menstrual cycle and does not open to release the egg. Usually, follicular cysts resolve on their own over the course of days to months. Cysts can contain blood (hemorrhagic or endometrioid cysts) from injury or leakage of tiny blood vessels into the egg sac. Occasionally, the tissues of the ovary develop abnormally to form other body tissues such as hair or teeth. Cysts with these abnormal tissues are called dermoid cysts. What symptoms are caused by ovarian cysts? Most cysts are never noticed and resolve without women ever realizing that they are there. When a cyst causes symptoms, pain in the belly or pelvis is by far the most common one. The pain can be caused from rupture of the cyst, rapid growth and stretching, bleeding into the cyst, or twisting of the cyst around its blood supply. How are ovarian cysts diagnosed? Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound, which is the best imaging technique for detecting ovarian cysts. Ultrasound is an imaging method that uses sound waves to produce an image of structures within the body. Ultrasound imaging is painless and causes no harm. Cysts can also be detected with other imaging methods, such as CAT scan or MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging). How can the physician decide if an ovarian cyst is dangerous? If a woman is in her 40’s, or younger, and has regular menstrual periods, most ovarian masses are â€Å"functioning ovarian cysts,† which are not really abnormal. They are related to the process of ovulation that happens with the menstrual cycle. They usually disappear on their own during a future menstrual cycle. Therefore, especially in women in their 20’s and 30’s, these cysts are watched for a few menstrual cycles to verify that they disappear. Because oral contraceptives work in part by preventing ovulation, physicians will not really expect women who are taking oral contraceptives to have common â€Å"functioning ovarian cysts. † Thus, women who develop ovarian cysts while taking oral contraceptives may be advised against simple observation; rather, they may receive closer monitoring with pelvic ultrasound or, less commonly, surgical exploration of the ovary. Other factors are helpful in evaluating ovarian cysts (besides the woman’s age, or whether she is taking oral contraceptives). A cyst that looks like it’s just one simple sac of fluid on the ultrasound is more likely to be benign, than a cyst with solid tissue in it. So the ultrasound appearance also plays a role in determining the level of suspicion regarding a serious ovarian growth. Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than age 40. After age 40, an ovarian cyst has a higher chance of being cancerous than before age 40, although most ovarian cysts are benign even after age 40. CA-125 blood testing can be used as a marker of ovarian cancer, but it does not always represent cancer when it is abnormal. First, many benign conditions in women of childbearing age can cause the CA-125 level to be elevated, so CA-125 is not a specific test, especially in younger women. Pelvic infections, uterine fibroids, pregnancy, benign (hemorrhagic) ovarian cysts, and liver disease are all conditions that may elevate CA-125 in the absence of ovarian cancer. Second, even if the woman has an ovarian cancer, not all ova rian cancers will cause the CA-125 level to be elevated. Furthermore, CA-125 levels can be abnormally high in women with breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer. How are ovarian cysts treated? Most ovarian cysts in women of childbearing age are follicular cysts (functional cysts) that disappear naturally in 1-3 months. Although they can rupture (usually without ill effects), they rarely cause symptoms. They are benign and have no real medical consequence. They may be diagnosed coincidentally during a pelvic examination in women who do not have any related symptoms. All women have follicular cysts at some point that generally go unnoticed. A follicular cyst in a woman of childbearing age is usually observed for a few menstrual cycles because the cysts are common, and ovarian cancer is rare in this age group. Sometimes ovarian cysts in menstruating women contain some blood, called hemorrhagic cysts, which frequently resolve quickly. Ultrasound is used to determine the treatment strategy for ovarian cysts because if can help to determine if the cyst is a simple cyst (just fluid with no solid tissue, seen in benign conditions) or compound cyst (with some solid tissue that requires closer monitoring and possibly surgical resection). In summary, the ideal treatment of ovarian cysts depends on the woman’s age, the size (and change of size) of the cyst, and the cyst’s appearance on ultrasound. Treatment can consist of simple observation, or it can involve evaluating blood tests such as a CA-125 to help determine the potential for cancer (keeping in mind the many limitations of CA-125 testing described above). The tumor can be removed either with laparoscopy, or if needed, an open laparotomy (using and incision at the bikini line) if it is causing severe pain, not resolving, or if it is suspicious in any way. Once the cyst is removed, the growth is sent to a pathologist who examines the tissue under a microscope to make the final diagnosis as to the type of cyst present. Ovarian Cysts At A Glance Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled, sac-like structures. Ovarian cysts form for numerous reasons. When a cyst causes symptoms, pain in the belly or pelvis is by far the most common one. Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound. The treatment of ovarian cysts varies from observation and monitoring to surgical procedures. Case Study: Ovarian Cyst during Pregnancy I am 35 and 13 weeks into my second pregnancy. Four weeks ago, I went to the hospital for pain in my lower right quadrant. A sonogram showed a cyst on my right ovary, about 15cm. The doctor has had me in bed since then, and I have had two more sonograms. It hasn’t gone down. The doctors seem to think it is fluid-filled and not cancerous. Can cysts really go down on their own? How long should I wait to see if it will go down? Have you heard of any cysts this large during pregnancy, and do they pose a danger to the baby? Cysts (fluid-filled structures) can go down on their own, but it is unlikely a 15cm cyst in pregnancy will do so. Cysts are not that uncommon during pregnancy, affecting about 1 in 1,000 pregnant women. The vast majority of ovarian masses found during pregnancy are benign; the incidence of ovarian cancer is 1 in 25,000 births. Ultrasound can be helpful in determining if a mass is benign or malignant, but it cannot do so with 100 percent certainty. If ultrasound shows that the mass is strictly fluid-filled, without septation or thick walls, it is probably benign. The problem with large, even benign, cysts during pregnancy is that they may rupture or torse (twist on themselves). Either of these events leads to significant pain for mom and the potential for miscarriage or preterm labor and delivery for the baby. Large (more than 6-8cm) cysts are usually removed surgically if they do not decrease in size spontaneously over the course of a few weeks. In pregnancy, the best time to operate is in the second trimester, ideally around 14-16 weeks. Occasionally, a cyst may be dealt with via laparoscopy, but very large cysts often require a large, open incision. A 15 cm cyst is rather big, and the potential for complications like rupture is high. If it has remained for more than two weeks, I suggest you talk to your doctor about your option. Your doctor may have been just watching you for now, until you get out of the first trimester (the first 13 weeks of pregnancy). I have removed several masses this size during pregnancy, and all of my patients went on to deliver normal, healthy babies. How to cite Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy, Essay examples

Bad Coffee Essay Research Paper It was free essay sample

Bad Coffee Essay, Research Paper It was a cold and moist forenoon, the wet stuck to clamber like flies to wing paper. The loud? thud thump thump? of the choppers had awaken me from my enchantment, after two and half hours of slumber. I had risen merely in clip for a fresh cup of java when all of the sudden a chopper touched down merely outside the barracks kicking up all the dust and soil it could happen. The dark before had been a beastly one, the howitzer blasts and shrieks of my fellow soldiers had kept me awake about all dark. And how, my java had been ruined by the darn chopper. I was in the worst topographic point on Earth, Saigon, in 1968. Decidedly the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. My orders were simple, so I thought. Meet up with a group of Green Berets merely outside of enemy lines, and travel north to a little small town controlled by American military personnels, we would acquire more information shortly after we had arrived. That was it, merely like male monarch of the hill when I was kid. I met up with my spouses in a joint called the Lucky Money, a existent tally down topographic point, the air filled with stale fume and the aroma of fictile thenar trees. Let? s merely state the Lucky Money had seen better yearss. Hell merely four months ago Bob Hope had occupied that vacant phase. The ambiance was filled with tenseness. At the bead of a pin the whole environment could break out into entire pandemonium, half the clip shoot outs would get down in the street merely from punks fliping stones around. The cats I met up with were worn down, non one of them had a good dark? s remainder in at least a month, you could see it in their eyes. All they wanted was a drive place, and they were traveling to make anything and everything in their power to acquire place. The leader of the group, Colonel Jake Denton, had been here two damn old ages. He didn? Ts have much to state except he missed his childs. The other three were all from Texas, but none of them cognize each other until the ground forces put them together. The mousey looking child was from Dallas, and he ever had a coffin nail hanging from his lip, a certain mark of the emphasis that was constructing inside him, his name was Jon Weinhard. The two other cats were Mike Brown and Jerry Stocker, both of them truly seemed to like each other and were ever giving Jon a difficult clip, no uncertainty they were a twosome of athletes straight out of high school. Mike was ever speaking about something, I swear to god non even a axial rotati on of canal tape could close him up, and Jerry was ever slacking off, making merely his portion of the occupation, and go forthing early so he could travel and acquire rummy. We sped off in the Jeep devising good distance for the following twosome of hours. Twilight fell and we slept in a little town along side a river, the hotel was atrocious, the skittering and sprinkling of roaches on the floor kept me wake up for hours. The conditions was hot and steamy, bugs everyplace clung to my tegument like metal on magnets, it was impossible to get away them. The following forenoon came. After an early repast of some rice bars and caprine animals milk, the breakfast of title-holders, we decided to acquire traveling. To my surprise we had reached our finish by midday, and there was no traveling back for a piece. The Jeep was wholly empty on gas, it was a admiration we even made it to the span. I went and talked to some of the chap? s by the barracks, they had said that the mail hasn? T been delivered for more than a month now, harmonizing to them the mail usage to come through one time every two hebdomads. The cantonment looked like a circus, visible radiations strung up across power lines, people everyplace merely seemed to be holding a good clip. The ambiance was truly relaxed, these male childs likely hadn? T seen any action in months, and it was decidedly get downing to demo. Night autumn came and the berets and I settled down in a sand trap alongside the river, Jerry was listening to a wireless he talked out of some cat and kept acquiring angry because when of all time he found a frequence that was English it would turn into inactive after a few proceedingss. The issue about the mail non acquiring through kept nagging at me. Oh good, half the people hear the same material over and over in those damn letters, ? come place shortly, remain out of the manner of the slugs, make it place in one piece, ? whether the folks at place liked it or non, those kind of things were out of the soldiers custodies. Around these parts stating something like, ? Don? T concern mama, I? ll be home shortly, ? was merely that, a expression, and really acquiring place was a snake pit of a batch harder than stating it. Dusk fell like rocks in H2O, one minute there was visible radiation, the following minute was entire black. The insects buzzed around like projectiles in infinite, zipping this manner and that, the jungle around us haunted our deepest ideas. It? s denseness was ineluctable, busying every corner of your head, pecking you like a small kid, ever at that place. For some ground the soldiers seemed extremely cautious tonight, a batch more stressed than their usual laid back mode. ? Why the snake pit is everyone so bloody nervous? ? I qu estioned to Jake as he flipped through a veit-namese newspaper. ? Reports of Charlie brushing through the country, likely the gun shootings we heard earlier, no demand to worry though, the wireless said they were heading South, straight off from us, ? marked Jake as he continued to page through his newspaper. ? Then why are all the work forces so jolted tonight? ? I wondered. ? You have to recognize, most of these oinks around here are merely childs, they likely haven? t even fired a arm since basic preparation, ? spoke Jake really calmly. Mike and another child named Jojo were put on ticker for the first two hours of the dark, from ten O? clock to midnight, everything went harmonizing to program, non even a blade of grass moved. Jon and I were up following, from midnight until two Os? clock in the a.m. I kept awake by devouring mass sums of java, better than the muddied down dirt the called java back in Saigon, this material was pure, existent AAA category material. Jon flooded the sand trap with coffin nail fume. The denseness of the fume was intolerable. ? Shhhh! Did you hear that? ? I whispered ? Hear wha? ? Jon was interrupted by the ball of lead that had flown directly through the tip of his coffin nail, I sounded the dismay while Jon manned the guns, I don? t think I? ve of all time seen person cut down an full wood with a machine gun, but I have now. The slugs were shot into air, wood, flesh, metal, merely about anything and everything that was outside of that sand trap, and there was nil that could halt them. There? s nil like the sound of a affaire dhonneur barrel 30mm rail gun blaring off unit of ammunition after unit of ammunition, the moving ridges bounced off the walls inside the sand trap like the ball of a pin ball machine, CLANK CLANK CLANK, was all I could hear. Soon the full cantonment was engulfed in fires from plumping howitzers, whistling through the air, there were so many of them you didn? Ts have anyplace to run, the sky was falling and we had no umbrella. Casualties were single-footing up like points in a hoops game, and we were the losing squad, we must hold been outnumbered at least three to one. How the snake pit had we lasted so long? Possibly we had merely gotten lucky, or it could be that all these fresh tomatoes were so trigger happy they set a end to non decease until they got their just portion. Our sand trap was running low on ammunition, and lucky me, it was my occupation to acquire more 30mm unit of ammunitions. Equally shortly as I got out of that snake pit hole, the lone thing that came to mind was run, run like snake pit. On the manner to the weaponries installation I must hold seen over a 100 organic structures lying lifeless on the ruddy stained Earth, non to advert the others who would shortly fall in them. I reache d the weaponries constructing merely to happen that it wasn? T at that place any longer, the whole topographic point had been demolished, the lone thing left was it? s concrete foundation, charred black by the monolithic detonation that occurred. I instantly ran back to the sand trap, and to my discouragement, it was gone excessively, the burned cadaver of Jon was still gripping to the melted, ruddy hot 30mm concatenation gun. Panic took over, my organic structure felt like it was traveling to close down, so what else was I suppose to make? I hid, a little cave on the border of the river had gone un-noticed to the invading military personnels, so I thought that would be a good topographic point to shack. Time had no being to me now, I could? ve been in that cave for yearss for all I know, the lone thing I can retrieve is when I poked my caput out of that small hole and felt the pitter spiel of warm rain beads on the forepart of my face. Screams of torment and panic arose from the nearby small town, when I reached the small town I couldn? T believe my eyes, how could something so atrocious happen. The full small town had been destroyed, no mark of any take a breathing Viet-Namese soldiers anyplace, although countless of them were scattered around the soil streets. Jon was dead, there was no mark of Jerry, and Jake and Mike lay side by side both dead, looked like they had been executed. My eyes welled up with H2O and I cursed the twenty-four hours I had set pes in Viet-Nam, I cursed everything I could believe of. Ironically the mail had arrived earlier that twenty-four hours, many letters wouldn? T be delivered to their rightful proprietors. All of my spouses in this assignment had received letters that twenty-four hours. Jon got one from his female parent, stating she was dying for him to acquire place in one piece. Mike had gotten a box of Brownies from his grandmother and a few images of his newborn boy. Jerry received a missive from his miss friend stating she had saved up adequate money for them to acquire their ain topographic point on the exterior of town, a small ruddy log cabin on an acre of land with a pool a elephantine willow tree. Jake on the other manus wasn? Ts so lucky, he merely got a missive from his insurance company stating he owed them $ 376.38. My married woman sent me a missive with a couple images of my seven twelvemonth old girl on the swing set I built in the backyard merely before I left. Oh God how I miss my married woman and girl, oh God how I miss place.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Accounting Professional Accountants

Question: Discuss about the Accountingfor Professional Accountants. Answer: Introduction Accounting is the process of recording and analyzing the various financial transactions of the business organization (DRURY, 2013). The profession of accounting is run by some specific set of rules and principles. All the accountants need to comply with these fundamental accounting principles. In this regard, APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants is one of the most important set of principles in accounting. This section states that all the accountants need to have integrity. It implies that the accountants need to be straightforward and honest to their profession (Carey, 2015). Purpose of APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants APES 110 are one of the major codes of principle in the process of accounting. Accounting Professional and Ethical Standard Board, commonly known as APESB, has issued the principles of APES 110. APESB is an independent accounting body of Australia in the year of 2006. The main role of APESB is to develop and issue various kinds of ethical standards in the process of accounting in order to save the interests of public. The development of APES 110 is considered as one of the major initiatives of APESB. In addition, the International Ethical Standard Board for Accountants, commonly known as IESBA is also involved in the development of APES 110. The main purpose of this code is to make the accountants of Australia and others comply with the various kinds of fundamental principles of accounting (, 2017). As per APES 110, all the accountants must comply with all the accounting rules and principles; otherwise, they will be prevented from doing all kinds of accounting works. It i s expected that the accountants must guided by the spirit of this code. In Australia, it is expected that all the accountants must comply with the fundamental principles of APES 110 at the time of providing any kind of professional services (, 2017). The accountants outside Australia also have to comply with the rules and regulation of APES 110, as per the codes of APES 110. However, in this case, they also have to comply with the local accounting rules and regulations. It is not the purpose of APES 110 to detract the accountants from any kind of responsibilities that may not be imposed by the law or regulation. In the process of auditing, the principles of APES 110 have legal enforceability, as all the accountants must comply with the principles of APES 110. Another major purpose of APES 110 is to impose the principles of integrity on the professional accountants. It is stated in APES 110, the accountants must not be associated with any kinds of manipulation of accounting information of any business organization. There are instances all over the world where the accountants have been found involved in different kinds of accounting fraudulent. Hence, one of the major purposes of APES 110 is to eradicate these kinds of accounting s candals from this profession. In case of any member of accounting is found to breach the codes of APES 110, they will be withdrawn from the accounting profession (CHRIST BURRITT, 2016). Ethical Approach to the Problem The Laura Nash model of ethical decision-making is one of the effective models to make decisions in major critical situations. In this model of decision-making, twelve questions are used to get to the optimal decision (, 2017). This model will be a suitable one in the provided case study. As per the provided case study, the major effects of volatile economic situation on the business operations of the organization are not included in the agenda for the meeting of 2009. Apart from this, the required audit operation on the loan portfolio is also not included in the meeting agenda. However, the CEO of the organization has provide assurance that there is not any kind of important issues regarding the financial crisis and audit on loan portfolio that needs to be addressed in the meeting agenda. This is not the case as these are the major issues. In addition, the member of audit committee is suspecting that some of the financial figures have been manipulated. In this complex ethi cal dilemma, the audit member can take suitable decisions by using the twelve questions of Laura Nash model. In this situation, it is needed to address these major issues in front of the management and auditor committee of the company. First, the audit associate needs to accurately define these major issues in from of everyone in order to make them aware of the negative effects of the problems (Cohen, 2013). In this case, proper evidences, data need to be presented to everyone to prove the matter. The management needs to be understood that the audit associate is doing this for the betterment of the company. The intention of the audit associate behind this process of decision-making is to save the organization from the potential financial hazards. This intention needs to be compared with the problem results. The expected result of the present situation needs to be presented to the management to make them aware about the potential danger of the company. On the other hand, it need to be shown to the management that this decision is not going to hurt anyone in the organization as it is good for everyone (Tsalikis Fritzsche, 2013). In addition, the audit associate needs to make the management understand that he is doing this irrespective of his position in the organization and he has no self involved in this decision making process. As per the Laura Nash model, this is the proper ethical way to make decision about the problems. Conclusion As per the above discussion, it can be seen that integrity is one of the major factors in the accounting profession, as the accountants need to be honest and straightforward. In this regard, APES 110 article contains all the fundamental principles of accounting that all the accountants must comply. On the other hand, it can also be seen that one can get to a proper ethical decision with the help of the twelve questions of Laura Nash Model. Hence, it can be concluded that integrity and ethics are two of the major pillars of accounting that all the accountants must follow. References An overview of APES 110 Code of Ethics. (2017) Retrieved 18 April 2017, from APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. (2017) Retrieved 18 April 2017, from Carey, P. J. (2015). External accountants business advice and SME performance.Pacific Accounting Review,27(2), 166-188. CHRIST, K., BURRITT, R. (2016). Professional accounting bodies: Scoping options for sustainability.RELEVANCE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS IN 2026. Cohen, S. (2013). Promoting ethical judgment in an organisational context.Journal of business ethics,117(3), 513-523. DRURY, C. M. (2013).Management and cost accounting. Springer. Laura Nash Ethics without the Sermon, Howard Business Review 59. (2017) Retrieved 18 April 2017, from Tsalikis, J., Fritzsche, D. J. (2013). Business ethics: A literature review with a focus on marketing ethics. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 337-404). Springer Netherlands.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

MacBeth - Tragic Hero Essays - Characters In Macbeth,

MacBeth - Tragic Hero The character of Macbeth is a classic example of a Shakespearean tragic hero. There are many factors which contribute to the degeneration of Macbeth of which three will be discussed. The three points which contribute greatly to Macbeth's degeneration are the prophecy which was told to him by the witches, how Lady Macbeth influenced and manipulated Macbeth's judgment, and finally Macbeth's long time ambition which drove his desire to be king. Macbeth's growing character degenerates from a noble man to violent individual. The prophecies which were told by the witches were one of the factors which contributed to the degeneration of his character. If it had not been for the witches telling him that he was to be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and King of Scotland, Macbeth would still be his ordinary self. As a result of the prophecies, this aroused Macbeth's curiosity of how he could be King of Scotland. As the play progresses, Macbeth slowly relies on the witches prophecies. Shakespeare uses the witches as a remedy for Macbeth's curiosity which corrupts his character. The influence of Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth also contributed to his degeneration of character. Lady Macbeth's character in the beginning reveals that she is a lovable person. When Lady Macbeth was ready to kill King Duncan herself, it showed that Lady Macbeth could not murder King Duncan because he reminded her of her father. This proves that Lady Macbeth has a heart deep inside her. Lady Macbeth plays an important role in this play because she provided a scheme which caused Macbeth to assassinate King Duncan. After Macbeth had killed King Duncan, he later regrets on his wrong doing. At the point of this play the audience can note the change in Macbeth's character. Macbeth's first murder was a trying experience for him, however after the first murder, killing seemed to be the only solution to maintain his reign of the people of Scotland. Therefore, it was Lady Macbeth who introduced the concept of murder to Macbeth. Macbeth's ambition also influenced his declining character. However, Macbeth's ambition had not been strong enough to carry the motive to kill King Duncan. Lady Macbeth's influence also comes in to play because if not for Lady Macbeth, his ambition would not have been intensified enough to drive him to obtain and maintain his title of King of Scotland no matter what it took, even if it meant murdering. Macbeth's ambition influenced the cause of his new character. This new character of Macbeth contained greed, violence, and power hunger. Macbeth shows this when he kills King Duncan. In conclusion, the prophecies given to him by the witches, Lady Macbeth's influence and plan, and his intensified ambition, all contributed greatly to his degeneration of character which resulted to his downfall...death. Therefore Macbeth character displays strong signs of a tragic hero, making him the ideal classic example.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Definition and Examples of Conciseness in Writing

Definition and Examples of Conciseness in Writing The term conciseness refers to speech or writing that is brief and to the point. In a concise composition, a great deal is conveyed in just a few words. Its not about just writing short sentences, though, but getting across the most important information economically, without  repetition, unnecessary jargon, needless details, and tangents. Concise writing keeps the reader engaged and doesnt waste his time with  circumlocution, padding, and verbosity. Without unnecessary clutter, the reader is more likely to understand the message, remember it, and even act on it, if thats the point of the piece. First Steps: Before the Draft The first steps in writing concisely overall begin as soon as the project starts, when you narrow down your topic to the thesis statement, story you want to ​tell, or message you need to convey. Before you even start drafting, you may sketch out ideas, necessary avenues of research, or plot points. Organize the best ideas in your outline, cutting some of the unnecessary before you even write a word. This enables you to target your writing and not waste time developing sections that arent necessary to the goal of the article, essay, report, or story.  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹ Drafting On your first draft, the main task is getting through it from start to finish. During the research phase, you may have discarded or added some points to your outline, making your thesis stronger. The cutting can continue throughout composing the first draft (and beyond). Get through that first draft, composing your main points. You dont have to write it from beginning to end; sometimes its easier to start in the middle and come back to the introduction and conclusion, sprinkling in the perfect cited quotes or the tense scene of dialogue in just the right spot. The perfect quotes from sources in articles, essays, and reports can actually save a lot of words spent narrating. Watch the ratio of quoted material and paraphrased sources to your own writing, though. Use only the best material as direct quotes for maximum impact. Summarize and paraphrase your research (cite paraphrases) in your own words. The piece needs to be your work in the end.   When youre satisfied with the draft, take a break. Youve accomplished something significant. And yes, the break is necessary, because you need to come back to the piece with fresh eyes to see what can be cut next. Author Elie Wiesel describes the process this way: Writing is not like painting where you add. It is not what you put on the canvas that the reader sees. Writing is more like a sculpture where you remove, you eliminate in order to make the work visible. Even those pages you remove somehow remain. There is a difference between a book of two hundred pages from the very beginning, and a book of two hundred pages, which is the result of an original eight hundred pages. The six hundred pages are there. Only you don’t see them. (Elie Wiesel: Conversations, edited by Robert Franciosi. University Press of Mississippi, 2002) Big-Picture Revision Depending on your works length, your revision step may first be large-scale trimming of sections or chapters, or you may start at the paragraph or sentence level. With a longer work, its useful to take a step back and compare the thesis statement and outline to the draft. Do you have sections, points, examples, or paragraphs that stray from your topic? Do they move the information or story forward? Will the reader still understand your point without them? We often meet large-scale cutting with reluctance, so it softens the blow to have a cuttings document. You move it rather than delete it. The work is still there if you feel later you need some bits of it, but its not slowing down or cluttering up the paper youre refining. It could even be the start of another piece later. This is where eliminating some tangents before drafting really pays dividends. Roy Peter Clark,  author of Writing Tools has this advice: [B]egin by pruning the big limbs. You can shake out the dead leaves later. Cut any passage that does not support your focus. Cut the weakest  quotations,  anecdotes, and scenes to give greater power to the strongest. Cut any passage you have written to satisfy a tough teacher or editor rather than the common reader. Dont invite others to cut. You know the work better. Mark optional trims. Then decide whether they should become actual cuts. Sentence-Level: Redundancy and Repetition After youve honed your message, the sentence level is where the scissors and scalpel come in, and the hatchet goes back in the closet. First look at the remaining paragraphs for spots where youve said the same thing in multiple ways. The area is likely something difficult to explain or complex. Solutions: Take these sentences and combine the best parts of them or start over explaining that particular point.   Example: The ability of the different bird species to eat seeds depends on beak style and shape. Its form dictates function. The beak needs to be powerful enough to break seeds, and those that eat mainly fruit or leaves may not be able to eat seeds due to their types and shapes of beak. Reworded fix: Whether different bird species can eat seeds depends on their beak style. For example, seed eaters beaks are shaped differently and stronger than those species that eat mainly fruit or leaves because seed eaters need to break hulls. The moral of the story: Dont be afraid to recast sentences to condense ideas. The beak shape and style was referenced explicitly more than needed. Your reader will be able to follow along if youre clear. And concise sentences are often more clear than wordy  ones. Sentence-Level: Wordiness Next, look for sentences that are really long. Read them out loud. Do you have to take a breath? Does the meaning get lost? Do they sound awkward to the ear? Solutions: Take out explanations put in parentheses or dashes, which send a reader on a winding path. These can be their own sentences. Break one into two to three or two long sentences (more than 25–30 words each) up into three or four. Itll help you to be clear and the reader to grasp whats going on. Recast passive voice.  Example:  Following the author’s study of The Naval Chronicle, which goes into detail on the wars with Napoleon, a trip aboard a freighter from California to Central America, and his trip back home to Britain, the first book in the series was plotted.Fix: The author studied The Naval Chronicle, which details the Napoleonic wars, and took a freighter from California to Central America. By the time he returned to Britain, hed plotted the series first book.The moral of the story: The extra-long sentence has a long parenthetical in the middle of a series of items, passive voice, consecutive prepositional phrases, and wordiness. The information flows more smoothly when made into two sentences following a more chronological path than starting with a dependent clause. Rephrase passive there is/are constructions. Example: There is a rule on the books that covers fencing styles for the homeowners association.Fixes: The homeowners association has a rule on the books that covers fencing style. OR The homeowners association rulebook covers fencing style.The moral of the story: Eliminating to be verbs automatically makes your sentences better. Getting rid of there is often also gets rid of that. Cut excess adjectives and adverbs: Will your sentence be understood without the adjectives or adverbs? Cut them, if so.   Example: She walked very slowly.Fix: She plodded along.The moral of the story:  Changing the verb makes for a stronger image. Qualifiers and intensifiers are often just filler. Other fixes: ​ Cut jargon.  Your work will be more accessible if you dont make your prose too flowery. Keep it simple.Use shorter words instead of long ones.  Cut  empty phrases  and  common redundancies.   Author Annie Dillard sums it up like this in Notes for Young Writers: Dont use any extra words. A sentence is like a machine; it has a job to do. An extra word in a sentence is like a sock in a machine.